Indian Export Ivory Chess Set, Vizgatapam, ca. 1830-1850
Indian Export Ivory Chess Set, Vizgatapam, ca. 1830-1850
Another incredibly delicate ivory chess set from Vizagatapam, dating to the early to mid 19th century with a king size of 13 cm. All the pieces stand on richly decorated pedestals and bases. Above them, the kings and queens each have a gallery, and the rooks and bishops each have two discs. The kings have a richly decorated hoop crown with a Maltese cross finial. The queens have an exceptionally splendid feather crown consisting of six large feathers. The rooks have brickwork and ornate crenellation. The knights as slender horse heads with bridles. The bishops with a projecting and richly decorated mitre typical of sets from Vizagatapam. The pawns, very tall overall at 7.6 cm, stand on bases comparable to the other pieces, merging into a slender shaft with two discs. The heads are decorated with pearls, followed by a tapering finial. This is a most unusual and majestic set of chessmen, worked with exceptional skill.
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